About Mitch

We only fail when we fail to try. I learned that lesson early in life, as I fought to be a normal kid in a body that kept me from many of the things I wanted to do. I also learned that life can be unfair and cruel, yet beautiful and inspiring, as long as you do your part and make the most of your circumstances.

I was blessed with a handicap that has made me more resourceful and introspective than I otherwise might have been. My handicap is the result offamily2 a reaction to a childhood polio vaccine which left me with a permanent limp and muscle weakness along the right side of my body. Getting around is more difficult for me than it is for most people, and I would be lying to say that I don’t get frustrated; however, I refuse to let my body beat my spirit.

I am a successful entrepreneur, international hunter and motivational speaker. I’ve been married since 1995, and have two incredible children. In spite of my physical limitations, I continue to set my goals high and smile through the struggles.

I enjoy helping people discover their potential and accomplish goals that they believed were beyond their reach. I’m not foolish enough to proclaim that I am any sort of expert or that I am beyond fault; my wife can provide a litany of areas of improvement, if you need proof. I am, however, someone who holds strong beliefs in the value of perserverance and the importance of self reliance.

If that’s of interest to you, please visit my official website, mitcharnold.com, where you can also purchase my novel Marginal, which was published in December of 2023.



  1. #1 by Pat on December 19, 2014 - 10:55 pm

    I will look forward to reading more of what you have to say. It speaks to my heart. Thank you

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